Welcome Melissa Welshans, CFSA Assistant Director!

We’re excited to announce that Naomi Shanguhyia, one of our outstanding scholarship and fellowship advisers, has taken on a new role as Associate Director of the Renée Crown University Honors Program.  CFSA students will miss Naomi’s thoughtful and insightful advising on scholarship applications, but we know she’ll be doing terrific work for the Honors Program. Congratulations, Naomi!


We’re also delighted to introduce Melissa Welshans, who will be serving as the new Assistant Director for CFSA. Melissa received her Ph.D. in English from Syracuse University in 2017, and since then has worked as a part-time instructor in English at SU and a substitute teacher in many local school districts. Melissa is excited to bring her passion for teaching, writing, and student engagement to her work with CFSA students. Welcome, Melissa!