Goldwater Scholarship 2015 Application – now open!

Science, Math, and Engineering students:

The competition is open for the 2015 Goldwater Scholarship and we hope that you might consider applying.  Applicants are sophomores or juniors, US citizens, have engaged in research, and have the potential for a successful career in the fields of science, math, or engineering. Goldwater is interested in future researchers, so pre-med students may not qualify unless considering the M.D./PH.D. joint degree.

We were thrilled to have a Goldwater Scholar, Luke Strauskulage ’15 (Biotechnology) and Honorable Mention, Samantha Usman ’16 (Physics and Mathematics) in 2014. Here’s the SU News article about their success:

The SU campus deadline is November 5th, 2014.  Contact Kate Hanson at for detailed instructions about the campus nomination process.

Luke Strauskulage '15 (Biotechnology) 2014 Goldwater Scholar 2014 Astronaut Scholar

Luke Strauskulage ’15
2014 Goldwater Scholar
2014 Astronaut Scholar

Samantha Usman '16 (Physics & Mathmatics) 2014 Goldwater Honorable Mention

Samantha Usman ’16
(Physics & Mathmatics)
2014 Goldwater Honorable Mention